How do you know you're on the right track in life?

You don't! Not really.
What feels good and right today, may not in a few years. What felt good and right twenty years ago is obsolete. Every time my life took a new direction, I would ask myself, "Is this the right move? Is this what I'm supposed to be doing?"
Is what you are "supposed" to be doing what destiny has laid out for you?
“It is not in the stars to hold our destiny but in ourselves.”
― William Shakespeare
I stopped asking those questions several years ago when I decided that life is too safe, structured, planned. I didn't want to plan anymore. I wanted to jump into every aspect of life with both feet, splashing in the mud, knowing that I have control over how I will react and the choices that I will make.
How do I know I'm on the right track in life? Because it feels good, right, and it allows me to splash in the mud without fear of staining my clothes or ruining my hair. Be carefree. Splash in the mud. Dance in the rain. Stand in the quiet stillness of the snow as it drifts down and places tiny, wet kisses all over. This, of course, is best accomplished without a coat on.

Tranquil solitude once a day is a profound way to gift yourself with absolute bliss. Be child-like when seeking out your moments of solitude. Children know exactly how to disconnect from the world and bask in the simple joys of playing in the mud and dancing in the rain.

My moment of quiet peace today? I haven't taken it yet. It is what I will do once this blog is finished. I will go to my art studio and stare at my works in progress, simply enjoying being present in my creative space without giving a thought to the next brush stroke or color choice.
It won't be easy, because my artistic mind is constantly seeing the limitless possibilities of a blank canvas. How does one paint snowflake kisses? When in solitude, my mind will remain blank and that is when all the answers to my questions become extraordinarily clear. It is in times of solitude that my greatest ideas come to fruition, and it is in times of quiet reverie that my mind is able to let go and float in the peaceful waters of existence.
Be bold enough and brave enough to let go.
Make a mud pie and share it with someone you love.
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