We obtained a great supply of old, heavy fencing that is weathered and worn. This lumber made the perfect material for one of my favorite garden beds. I started by cutting the fence posts into varying sizes from 6" to 14" in length.
I then started digging a design in the yard in the shape I wanted my garden bed.

Once the garden border has been completed, it is time to lay a layer of newspapers... not too thick. You want enough that it helps with weed control but not too much so that it decomposes and allows the plant roots to grow below. I put about three to four sheets thick. I have read on other blog sites and internet sites that some people put the newspaper as thick as 8 sheets thick.
It's important to water the newspaper thouroughly... making sure the newspaper is good and wet!
It's then time to put down the gardening soil. We usually put in our own home grown compost, but had run out. We bought some good Vegetable/garden soil at Lowe's. Be sure to put a thick amount of soil to allow for root growth. We put 6-8 inches.
The garden bed is now ready for planting. We planted cauliflower, cilantro, spinach, and broccoli in this garden bed
Copyright © 2012 Life's Casual Observer blog, Lauren Espinoza